Holmes Rolston- Eating Meat

There are usually two extremes when it comes to the argument of whether humans should eat meat. There is the vegetarian perspective: animals do not need the mindless suffering and meat is not an essential nutrient for human survival. Then there is the Carnivore perspective: humans are animals too, it is just part of our nature to eat meat and it is an essential nutrient for human survival. Holmes argument is interesting because it is not an extreme, rather it is like a mediator. It benefits both vegetarians and meat-eaters. Holmes brings into the argument the concept of domesticated animals like dogs, cats, etc. He argues that animals should not suffer so much because of meat consumption but that humans should also not see animals as part of a culture, they are basically just animals. Rolston argues that people easily mistake that people are animals as well. They just have cognitive function.

Personally, I love to eat meat. Yet, I always contradict myself because I do hate to see animals suffer. I agree mostly with Holmes, yes animals should not suffer but I do not agree with the claim that we should not consider animals part of a culture. I also do not agree with Rolston, I do strongly believe that humans are animals. My reason for these disagreements is the concept of natural instinct. When it comes down to it, I believe that humans will always choose their emotions or I would call it their natural reaction over cognitive thinking. In today’s society this concept is not easily applied because the world has changed, and I too have changed. I have had to adapt so yeah I do try to think in a rational way. Yet, I believe if we were ever put in a situation where we would have to survive like animals, then yes, we would put all reason aside and eat each other just to survive.

Another thing I do agree with is the fact that humans do not consider domesticated animals or pets as animals that they normally eat. I do believe that is true because it is all a matter of perception. If I had a dog, I would not look at him or her as just a dog, I would look at him or her as a member of my family who I would love, care for, and protect. Going back to the question of whether eating meat is morally wrong or right, I do not have answer with that. In all honesty, I love to eat meat but I stand in the middle of the argument. Yes I believe that meat should be eating, for pleasure or survival but I do always think of how much suffering the animals obtain form this.

About jenniferp95

Hey guys! My name is Jennifer Palomino. I am currently a freshman at John Jay College of Criminal Justice. My current major is Forensic Psychology. I don’t know if that is the major that I want to pursue my career in but I’m just trying it out. Honestly, I do not know what I want to do with my life yet after John Jay. I am a go-with-the-flow-type of person but that doesn’t mean that I don’t have my certain opinions. I love to read and write. I am currently boxing and I absolutely love it. Hopefully, I’ll start fighting soon and I may come into class with a few scratches. You can reach me at jennifer.palomino@jjay.cuny.edu. Don’t hesitate to chat with me, I don’t bite and I’m actually a very friendly person :)
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1 Response to Holmes Rolston- Eating Meat

  1. I like that you specifically state that you are in the middle of the argument. Yes, thinking about the pain and suffering of the animals is absolutely heart breaking, but when it comes down to it, it’s true that humans follow their natural instinct no matter what. Eating meat has become a natural part of life, and whether you choose to eat it or not is solely your choice. I also agree that certain animals have become a part of cultural. I’m not saying there should be a lion in everyone’s backyard, but most people now a days have cats and dogs as pets, and they absolutely play a part in modern culture.

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