Punzo and Goldman

After the discussion in class I can truly say that my perspective on sex and its morals has slightly been impacted. I still stand on the firm argument that each person has a right to do what they wish with their sexual life. Personally, I agree with Punzo to a certain extent. Yes, you can have have a certain commitment with someone when you make the decision to become sexually involved with them but it does not mean that you should have that commitment. Another thing I would like to add is that commitment means something different for everyone. Commitment can mean a lifelong promise between two people, a temporary agreement that may not even last the night, or an agreement/compromise between two people that is believed to last for a good length of time.

Punzo states: “Sexuality has come to play so large a role in our commercial lives that it is not surprising that our sexuality should itself come to be treated as a commodity governed by the same moral rules that govern any other economic transaction” (126.1). We did not bring up this example in the class discussion but I find it very interesting. I believe that what Punzo means is that in today’s society many individuals see sex as a mere object that is thrown around like it is nothing. I do not think that everyone treats sex like that in these recent times. Yet, like I said before, each individuals sexual life is their own, and they should do with it what they wish. My opinion is that sex is something special but it is only special with the right person. Then there is casual sex, I believe that is just for pleasure and fun. I do not see anything wrong with that. As long as you acknowledge what it is that you are going to get into and that after your “deed” is done. you still have a strong self-concept and you know your morals. Also, there is no doubt that I believe in safety. Unprotected sex is something that I completely disagree with but since Punzo does not really touch upon that aspect of sex, I won’t build more on that fact.

About jenniferp95

Hey guys! My name is Jennifer Palomino. I am currently a freshman at John Jay College of Criminal Justice. My current major is Forensic Psychology. I don’t know if that is the major that I want to pursue my career in but I’m just trying it out. Honestly, I do not know what I want to do with my life yet after John Jay. I am a go-with-the-flow-type of person but that doesn’t mean that I don’t have my certain opinions. I love to read and write. I am currently boxing and I absolutely love it. Hopefully, I’ll start fighting soon and I may come into class with a few scratches. You can reach me at jennifer.palomino@jjay.cuny.edu. Don’t hesitate to chat with me, I don’t bite and I’m actually a very friendly person :)
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3 Responses to Punzo and Goldman

  1. I really liked your blog! And yes I also think that each person is responsible or their own actions, and that if they decide to have casual sex its their personal choice. Just as long as they take into account the things that may come from it.

  2. jenypherx says:

    I agree with every single piece of your blog! I stand right with you when you say everyone has the option to do as they please but they should also be responsible and aware. Another thing I liked was your mention of commitment because its extremely relevant. While to one person marriage is commitment, to another just having a title is enough.

  3. I agree that everyone has the right to do what they want. I also agree that that even though they didn’t touch upon the issue of unprotected sex, it is something I disagree with. As long as both parties go in with a complete understanding of the agreement, then casual sex should not be something that is looked down upon.

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