
I like the point that you make of how the eight fold path is a great way for us to obtain enlightenment. I definitely agree with you. I also say that it is a great way for us to achieve balance. In today’s society it is so hard to maintain balance in our everyday lives. I believe that also relates to your opinion of how we all try to achieve our dreams. I like your post, very interesting.


Good post. I agree with you about treating our body as a temple. It is true, you should always know what or who is going in and out of your temple. I like how you point out the fact about being honest. I believe that being honest, even when you are going to have casual sex, still allows you to have your integrity, even though many people don’t see as having just casual sex as losing some part of their integrity


I like what you said about our cravings and how when we don’t get what we want our mood changes immediately. i actually did not even think of that but it is totally true. Even if we don’t get something small, our mood shifts slightly but it still has an impact on what we do or how we feel. After our discussion in class, I’m sure you understand a bit more about the five senses. I can see how you got confused but then again remember that the Buddha says to be alive is to suffer. So, if our senses keep us alive, then that means that they contribute to our suffering. Just a thought.


I agree with you when it comes to the point that Benedict made about “morality being culturally relative”. It is true that in our culture, we most likely would see other cultures traditions and norms as weird. I’ve always believed that it has to do with how we are raised, we may be raised to know that something is wrong, and they may be raised to see it as right. So really, they don’t know any better.


I agree with you about how Benedict points out that society has a lot to do with how our beliefs are shaped and our morals. I actually didn’t even think of that but now that I do, it is so accurate. For example, our western culture is very diverse. Yet, many of us belief in the same morals because of how society, to me most likely the media, portrays them. The point you made about the Kwakiutl tribe, I agree and I disagree. I agree that their practice of killing someone else for compensation is wrong. Yet, what I kind of disagree with is how you say they don’t have the right to do it. You do have a point, and yes, they do not have a right to do it. That’s my personal opinion but when I try to look at it from their perspective, I feel like they do not know any better, it’s a tradition that is just part of them and they must not know it is wrong because they have believed their whole lives it is right, it was ingrained into them.

September 18, 2013 at 12:03 am

I definitely agree with you about that sex does not need commitment for it to occur between two people. I like the idea of Goldman that you brought up, the one where he states that love is not the only feeling attached to sex and that sex can also be your body’s physical attraction to someone. I also agree with you about that there are other ways to express love.

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